Democratization via Manufacturing: Increasing CAR T-cell Accessibility by Shifting from a Centralized to Point-of-Care Approach

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With the unprecedented ability to destroy cancer while leaving healthy cells intact, CAR T-cell therapy is a groundbreaking treatment with the potential to usher the next generation of cancer-related healthcare. If this breakthrough is to change the face of cancer treatment for good, it cannot remain exclusive and prohibitively expensive as it is currently. Instead, it is up to us as professionals in healthcare and medical technology to devise and enact the means to effectively democratize CAR T-cell therapy, making it easily accessible to all patients in need. Only by these efforts will the potential of this groundbreaking treatment be fully realized. Let’s begin by taking a close look at the process by which the therapy is produced. 

Centralized Manufacturing and its Downfalls

Centralized manufacturing, distributed amongst only approximately 100+ laboratory centers, is currently the method by which CAR T-cell therapies are produced and the source of much of its inefficiencies. This approach contains several drawbacks contributing significantly to the inaccessibility of CAR T-cell therapy. To understand these drawbacks, we should first review the fabrication process. The high-level workflow involved in centralized manufacturing of autologous CAR T-cell therapy is as follows:

  1. Patients’ T-cells are collected from their whole blood at a hospital or cancer treatment facility. 
  2. Said T-cells are frozen and shipped to a centralized laboratory where they will be used to manufacture the CAR T-cell therapy. This includes undergoing various genetic manipulation methods and cell expansion, a process by which cells are multiplied into a much larger, usable volume. 
  3. The new CAR T-cells are frozen for shipment back to their hospital or facility of origin. Here, they will be thawed and administered to the patient via intravenous injection, typically requiring only one session instead of multiple sessions imparting an immediate lifestyle benefit. 

Given the time-sensitive nature of cancer diagnoses and treatment, the shortcomings of this particular manufacturing approach may seem immediately apparent. It is a highly time-consuming bespoke production method, taking significant time to prepare and ship. Yet, this observation merely scratches the surface of centralized manufacturing’s true drawbacks when employed in the production of CAR T-cell therapy. 

Further shortcomings include:

Given these drawbacks, it is clear that manufacturing must be heavily reconsidered if CAR T-cell therapy is to be delivered to patients in need promptly and at a price the market can bear. To further compound matters, new forms of treatment are being developed and approved at an exponential rate, with around one thousand currently in the FDA pipeline therefore production advancements are in great need.

A Manufacturing Pivot: The Point-of-Care Approach with Closed System Automation

An approach needs to be developed that allows the current and future revolutionary treatment to reach all those in need. With this in mind, a pivot must be made towards a point-of-care approach that encapsulates the manufacturing and therapeutic aspects of CAR T-cell to streamline both for more accessible, affordable, and effective treatment. 

In a Point-of-Care, CAR T-cell therapy, treatment is produced and administered at the site where the patient is receiving care, with the entire vein-to-vein journey occurring in a single location. Because treatment facilities lack access to appropriate cleanrooms and proper cleanroom designations, the point-of-care approach must rely upon closed-system automation, utilizing automated instrumentation technology alongside a sterilized disposable set to manufacture a therapy dose ensuring integrity. This approach alleviates many of the pain points currently preventing therapy democratization and will optimize CAR T-cell manufacturing to deliver more positive outcomes than ever thought possible. 

At length, the benefits of closed-system automation in a point-of-care setting include:

While CAR T-cell therapy is today an expensive, exclusive treatment accessible to only a fraction of the patients in need, it need not always be that way. By transitioning from the current centralized manufacturing approach to a point-of-care approach addressing automated production and treatment, we stand to make this transformative therapy more affordable and accessible than ever, affecting full democratization. Deploying closed automated systems, CAR T-cell therapy would not only reach more patients than ever but would do so much faster, saving untold lives in the process. 

For a closer look at the mechanisms behind an automated closed system and the advancements in logistics, infrastructure, and production processes needed to make the regionalized point-of-care approach truly successful, stay tuned for our series’ conclusion. To learn more about CAR T-cell therapy and its benefits to patients, visit the MIDI Innovation Vault™.

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