COVID Conversations with Rensselear Polytechnic Institute

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On June 1st, Chris Montalbano hosted a webinar for his alma mater, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, on how MIDI is helping combat the COVID-19 Global Pandemic.  Paradigm Shift Required: Infection Prevention was one part of the COVID conversations series RPI is putting on.

MIDI has been working intimately with companies related to infection prevention within healthcare. In this webinar, Chris outlined a Blue Ocean approach on how technology can manifest itself into new, unique devices addressing everyday life environments. He also provided an example of a unique technology born of the RPI Incubator that is now manifesting itself within a cutting-edge infection prevention device. It was created by the team at MIDI and is used in a healthcare setting, but more importantly, beyond – airports, office environments, cruise ships, hotels, and more.

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