In Q1, MIDI is proud to have renewed its 2022 Partnership and Membership with ARROW and AdvaMed!
ARROW Aces Partner
Arrow Electronics guides innovation forward for over 175,000 of the world’s leading manufacturers of technology used in homes, business and medical markets.
A global provider of devices, services, and solutions, Arrow aggregates electronic components and enterprise computing solutions for customers and suppliers. The company maintains a network of more than 336 locations worldwide.
MIDI is proudly renewing our ARROW ACES Partner status for 2022.
AdvaMed is a trade association that leads the effort to advance medical technology in order to achieve healthier lives and healthier economies around the world. AdvaMed’s membership has reached over 400 members with a global presence. Member companies include thought leaders, medical technology innovators, medical majors and will now include MIDI. The Association acts as the common voice for companies producing medical devices, diagnostic products and digital health technologies. MIDI is proud to continue our contributions to the AdvaMed community.
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