Digital & Data

World class digital and data innovation, from concept to global launch.
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Software as a Medical Device (SaMD) is experiencing exponential growth, reaching more people and addressing previous challenges in medical applications on a larger scale.

Utilizing our advanced strategic approach, we work in partnership with our clients to develop secure, compliant, market ready application software, embedded software and connectivity supporting 360-degree holistic solutions. We can define, develop and maintain the entire IoMT (Internet of Medical Things) ecosystem for your device or service portfolio. Our teams deliver sophisticated algorithms to help you extract meaningful strategic, product insights from your data, while accelerating time-to-market, enabling successful, global commercial launches.

At MIDI, our approach to digital product, systems, and service design revolves around people, placing emphasis on deep user engagement which translate into real benefits for patients, healthcare workers and the client. Leveraging identified stakeholder insights and strategy, and capturing targeted data, we uncover valuable insights, which translate into real benefits for patients and healthcare workers. All of these methods lead to accelerated time-to-market and global ready commercial launches.

Our strategic process generates rich new streams of data that give rise to new services and novel business models, keeping you ahead of the competition. Furthermore, we apply a rigorous approach to developing connected systems that conform to the exacting standards of IEC 62304 for medical devices.

Below are some of the comprehensive methods MIDI employs to generate next step digital and data innovation:


The Deep Dive into Digital Therapeutics (DTx)

Core Principals, Current Trends & Future Snapshot



The Deep Dive into Digital Therapeutics (DTx)

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Discover the Power of DevelopmentDNA™:
Your Strategic Advantage in Medical Device Innovation

Discover the Power of DevelopmentDNA™: Your Strategic Advantage in Medical Device Innovation