MIDI’s latest white paper is now available for direct download!
MedTech DFX: Advanced Strategies & Supply Chain Paradigm Shift, is now available. We invite you on a deep dive into Shifting the Supply Paradigm in MedDEVICE Development: Advanced DFX Strategies Creating Supply Chain Resilience.
Over the last two years, medical device developers quickly realized that manufacturing strategies championed pre-pandemic neglected supply chain resilience. This high-pressure situation became an opportunity for MIDI to create and pressure-test a stalwart approach to bringing medical devices to market with minimal delays and at acceptable costs while ensuring our clients’ long-term viability and business success in these changing supply circumstances.
This white paper focuses on the Design for Excellence (DFX) methodology operationalized under MIDI’s ISO-13485 Quality Management System (QMS) called DevelopmentDNA™ and its specific advantages. A deeper dive is taken into advanced DFSC strategies post-pandemic as well as special considerations for Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs).
Programmatic strategies, standard operating procedures, and special considerations are shared and detailed in a proven path to success allowing MIDI to quickly and efficiently bring clients’ medical devices to market.
Download your copy of the white paper here
MIDI’s next podcast series:
Digital Therapeutics (DTx): Core Principals, Current Trends & Future Snapshot
Digital health has evolved, from isolated remote monitoring technologies ten years ago to ubiquitous fitness devices and wellness apps that we enjoy today.
Now the future of true medical digital health is here…..today…. and moving faster than ever creating an increasingly crowded digital healthcare market. This digital revolution has generated new healthcare business model opportunities as well as global regulatory and market/operating model challenges for healthcare and life science markets.
Digital Therapeutics (DTx) is healthcare’s next wave. DTx is an emerging subset of evidence-based, clinically evaluated software products and services.
In MIDI’s DTx podcast series we will explore the clinical, financial, operational value, and healthcare benefit of DTx’s value proposition for biopharma, MedTech, and various healthcare stakeholders. We will review the DTx business model and ecosystem that intends on delivering deliver better healthcare outcomes for the market and patients its serves.
Stay tuned for the first podcast episode of the series coming soon!
MIDI launched a Groundbreaking Device with Nevoa at APIC
MIDI Product Development is proud to be partnered with Nevoa in the development of a next-generation transformative automated whole-room atomizing disinfection system for the Healthcare Industry called the Nimbus. This next-generation system’s advanced disinfection technology is 99.9999% effective against pathogens on surfaces and in room air for both healthcare and hospital settings. It is fully autonomous and supported with #IoMT (Internet of Medical Things).
The Nimbus system was revealed at the APIC Conference last week with great success. MIDI is proud to have been part of Nevoa’s journey and this amazing team.
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