Medtech's Next Wave: Innovators from LSI | Chris Harder - Kenota

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Welcome to MIDI’s Innovation Vault Podcast. In this episode of MedTech's Next Wave: Innovators from LSI, we’re joined by Chris Harder, CTO of Kenota Health. Kenota Health is revolutionizing diagnostics and patient care, focusing on solving critical healthcare challenges. Founded by two entrepreneurs passionate about improving allergy management, Kenota recruited Chris to help re-engineer their core technology to better align with customer needs

Kenota Health’s unique approach starts with the problem and customer, designing tailored technical solutions. Despite challenges in regulatory processes, technology development, and funding, they’ve successfully leveraged strategic partnerships to navigate these hurdles. Looking ahead, Chris discusses the exciting potential of converging diagnostic technologies that could make testing more accessible, affordable, and effective at the point of care.

Join us to hear how Kenota Health is shaping the future of diagnostics and patient care.

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